woodworking shows 2013 houston
Seems like forever since the last woodworking show in houston last march. being addicted to all the activity and camaraderie of the show circuit, it would be a. Heritage school of woodworking blog. the woodworking shows. share this: facebook; one response to woodworking show in houston texas.. 2017 shows calendar coming soon. for more show information: www.thewoodworkingshows.com . home page | online catalog | about.
Houston february 26-28, 2016. friday 12-6; saturday 10-6; sunday 10-3. pasadena convention center, campbell hall 7902 fairmont parkway pasadena, tx 77507. The woodworking shows houston will be held in katy, usa starting on 24th oct, 2014. this trade show is a 3 day event and will end on 26th october, 2014. Club to host woodworking show. story; of houston found out that the annual touring woodworking show was not going to be coming to houston in 2013..